Tarik GHODBANI  EGEAT Director

Since December 2016, the Geographical Space and Territorial Development Laboratory has included more than 60 researchers in the various specialties in the field of territorial sciences. Since its creation in 2002 the laboratory has been involved in doctoral studies and the development of new innovative approaches in geography. More than a dozen doctorates have been supported as well as many dissertations of magister. A number of scientific collaborations have been carried out with national and foreign research entities in the framework of bilateral projects. Also, service delivery with socio-economic partners allowed the laboratory to integrate decision-making in the field of land-use planning.

Since March 2016, date of the installation of the new director, EGEAT has defined with its new council of some objectives; improve its visibility, enhance its research activities, revitalize its journal "Les Cahiers Géographiques de l'Ouest" and finally, integrate South / South networks covering the MENA region, Asia and Latin America.


The Director






Affiliation University

Université Oran 2

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