Tarik GHODBANI Directeur EGEATTarik Ghodbani is a lecturer at the Department of Geography and Urban Planning at the University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed. He is the director of the Laboratory for Research on Geographic Space and Urban Planning (EGEAT), associate researcher at the Center for Social and Cultural Anthropological Research (CRASC), and member of the Scientific Council of the American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS).

He holds a PhD in Social Geography from the University of Oran (Algeria) and University of Paris 8 (France). After completing his PhD, he lived abroad to pursue research projects in collaboration with such institutions as the Fulbright Foundation (2013 – USA), and DAAD (2011 – Germany). He currently supervises students’ dissertations on social transformations, and local and environmental governance systems. He has published (with other researchers) articles on development issues in the Maghrib in international peer-reviewed journals.

In addition to research, Ghodbai works as a local development expert on evaluation projects addressing the problematics of involving local communities in development and environmental protection plans.

Publications :

L’homme et l’environnement sur le littoral ouest de l’Algérie 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10  



Affiliation University

Université Oran 2

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